
Chris Brown crying at the BET Awards 2010 - Is this dude kidding me??

Still, its possible that his on-stage breakdown,where he cried out at the end to his performance,could have been a real grief filled outbreak from Chris. The BET Awards was the first real music performance that Chris has done in a very long time.He was considered for the Award Show because he has been respected in the Music Industry as a prodigy of Michael Jackson.

But the crying moment was a surprise.Chris probably saw his performance as his last chance to show the World he wants this and he needs it.But was it a facade?Did the situation overwhelm him?- Things appeared to be crumbling down and falling apart for Chris Brown,perhaps in relation to his convicted crimesagainst Rihanna when he brutally beat her in a car rental.He's faced 5 years of probation and 180 days of community service.Certainly enough time to recount on the things he has done wrong and the troubles he's faced.

But we all saw something new from Chris Brown at the BET Awards.His performance showed Chris overtaken with legitimate sorrow for what he has done,as well as the loss of Michael Jackson.However,many think its a 'fake' and that the entire performance was staged in order for fans to relate to Chris,and forgive him for the things he's done.Besides,everyone knows his albums and sales are suffering ; he has to do something in order to rebuild his career.
