Belly Fat seems to be a huge problem for lots of people,especially men.Naturally,men tend to hold more fat around their waistline,whcih we call 'Love-Handles'(also known as,Beer-belly or Pot-belly).Besides this biological nature of men,modern lifestyle also has a huge impact on belly fat,as well as stress,work,entertaining clientsand lack of exercise contribute to the accumulation of stomach fat.Belly fat is usually a very sturbborn type of fat,in that it requires a lot of work to reduce it.Losing the beer-belly and gettinng the flat stomach,can be a painully slow experience,but it is certainly worth the effort.The rewards are not only a better looking and fit body,but also improved long-term health.
Belly fat,which is also referred to as stomach fat,visceral fat,pot belly and so on,is the kind of fat that is found deeper in the body compared to subcutaneous fat,which is located just under the skin.Belly fat is particularly dangerous since it collects around the organs in the abdomen.Health practitioners are sounding the alarmincreasingly,as more and more people are being diagnosed each day,with high levels of cholesterol,diabetes,heart diseases and so on - all of them linked to belly fat.
When we thiink about losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach,we imagine ourselves doing lots of crunches and other abdomenal exercises.Stomach exercises are good for toning your stomach muscles,but stomach exercises alone are not enough.To get a toned flat stomach,you will need tolose the fat that is covering your stomach muscles,and the best way to lose belly fat is a combination of changing your eatting habits,so your body stores less fat, and doing cardio exercises to burn your existing stomach fat.Here are some tips on how to lose belly fat :
1)Throw out The Junk Food
To lose stomach fat,you will have to throw out the junk food.You are what you eat ,so don't eat junk.Do not keep junk food like cookies,chips,sweets and other similar products,in your house.If you do not have these bad foods lying around,you will not think about them and after a sometime,you will break the bad feeding habits.But,why is junk food so bad?Mostly,it is due to the high sugar content of junk foood.Most junk food consist of refined carb and sugar,which when eatten,quickly raise blood sugar levels,leading to reduction in fat burning and increase in appetite.
2)Lose belly fat by eatting 5 - 6 times in a day
This does not mean 5 - 6 big meals; rather it is about eatting similar meals more frequently.Usually,when we eat the traditional way,eatting 3 times a day,we tend to binge,whcih leads to belly fat.By eating 5 - 6 small meals a day,regularly,it prevents you from over-eatting.Plus,it also helps in boosting the metabolism,since the body requires energy to digest the food.And while following this plan,it is also a good idea to keep the heaviest meals at the start of the day and reduce the amount at the end of the day.
3)Boozing leads to fat
Decrease alcohol consumption.If you drink alot,you will accumulate fat around your waist.Although,most people know that alcohol can lead to weight gain,many do not know the degree of impact that alcohol can have.Excess alcohol consumption can really give you a belly.Have you seen people that are slim all over,but have a beer belly sticking out?Well, that is theeffect of excess alcohol consumption.One gram of alcohol,whhich can be calculated as ''one ml'' of alcohol,contains seven calories.Even though the amount of calories is smaller than the amount of fat,alcohol calories are completely useless.Alcohol does not contain any nutrients at all.So the entire amount of calories consumed through alcohol,will be stored as fat!!!If you want to lose weight fast,then you need to stop drinking alcohol for a while.
This is not to say that you would avoid alcohol completely,but just go for moderation.Do not drink everyday and limit yourself to just one glass of wine or one bottle of beer.
4)Lose belly fat by drinking the right fluids
In order to lose belly fat,you need to drink plenty of water,particularly when you workout or sweat.Your body requires water in order to function at its optimum best.When you are dehydrated,the organs in your body work harder in order to retain the water reserve of the bodyThe liver,which helps in burning fat in order to produce energy,is one of the important organs that suffers the most.When the liver's function is hampered,then the process of burning fat will not be as effective as it needs to be.Avoid drinking canned fruit juice,chocolate drinks,and soft drinks,since their sugar level is very high.
5)No more midnight snacks
Try not to have late night snacks.The main problem with late night snacking,is that there is not much activity done afterwards.People go straight to bed right after the late night meal,because they are tired.So this will cause high sugar levels in the blood stream,and no energy spent after that.The excess sugar will just turn into fat.Losing stomach fat requires strict diet.
6)Lose Belly fat by getting cardio workout
Keep in mind that,in order to lose belly fat,calories need to be burnt.Running,jogging,brisk walking,swimming,tennis,dancing and cycling are great exercises for burning fat.Cardio vascular exercises provide oxygen to the body,and there by help in burning calories.Plus,aerobic exercises also provide a boost to metabolism.The ideal duration of your cardio workout,should be 30 - 45 mins,about 3 times a week or more.
7)Have protein with every meal
Protein provides the building blocks of the body.Since the body is a dynamic structure,which means it is constantly building up and breaking down tissues,it is imperative that you have a portion of protein every few hours throughout the day.This will ensure you maintain your muscle mass.By maintaining your muscle mass,you keep your metabolism elevated and can assist your weight loss effort and loss your belly fat very fast.
8)Take proven weight lose supplements
- Make sure the supplements have been independently tested,so what they say on the label is whhats in the product.
-Make sure there is some scientific evidence for the ingredients contained in the product.
-Check wiith your doctor first,before using any supplement.
Weight lose supplements acan speed up the fat burning process in your body,but theyy are definitely not ''magic pills''!!!When used correctly,weight lose supplements are a very effective weapon in your fat-burning arsenal.
9)Allow enough time for principles to work
Many people try to lose belly fat like they study for exams by cramming!!If you are serious about losing belly fat and finally getting a flat tummy,then you need to be patient and simply allow enough time for the principles to work.Overall,if you want to lose belly fat fast,and most importantly,keep it off longterm,make a committment to incorporate these principlesinto your lifestyle and maintain them longterm.Not only will they help you lose belly fat,but,they will also improve your energy levels and overall health as well.